I spoke to Timmy’s neurologist yesterday on the phone briefly. I was asking about different formulas I could try if my breastmilk supply didn’t pick up. He of course encouraged me to keep pumping and that it will pick up. I do know this and have been through it before, but it’s so hard to have enough hands to pump when I’m trying to rock and cuddle my little one to sleep. The doctor also encouraged me to do anything I can to relax and de-stress, because that will have a big impact on my milk supply as well as on Timmy’s ability to rest. So when Timmy had trouble with his nap this morning, I moved Timmy’s swing into the bathroom near the tub, and I put him in it with his bear, his blanket, and his binky. I turned on a CD of Peter and the Wolf and Carnival of the Animals (currently set to repeat “The Swan” over and over again because it reminds me of my dad and is so soothing). Then Timmy rested in his swing while I took a long, glorious bath. And finally after about 45 minutes of just relaxing together, Timmy started to drift off. And now that the music is soothing and consistent, he’s pretty asleep in that swing. Thank you, Jesus! I’m clean and we’re both getting some much needed refreshment. And I also know that with the help of my hubby and my friends, there is food to eat, a clean kitchen and bathrooms, and a scale to weigh Timmy’s diapers and make sure he’s well hydrated. Ahhh!!!
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