Congratulations to Timmy! Last night before bed we did some tummy time and he rolled from front to back all by himself!!! He has done this only a few times before and not in quite a while. So we consider it to be a fabulous accomplishment! Yay, Timmy!
Also nursing is continuing to improve and my milk supply is slowly re-establishing itself. And thanks to more help from ladies from church, we have some food in the freezer, the house is more picked up, and we’re going on a date tonight!
Glad your days are getting back on track. Thanks for the updates.
we are glad to hear timmy is improving! we all love you and love these blogs of updates. makes us feel like we are closer. love you
We also love(d) it when Derek rolls. Go Timmy! Hope you are having a good week - glad the nursing is going better and you have food in the house. What a tremendous help to have. Give us a jingle when you have time.
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