Saturday, August 02, 2008

Thinking about a smile

When Mama was present today Timmy seemed better. When Mama was at home sleeping or out helping to take Oma to the airport, Timmy still had some periods when he was either uncomfortable and/or just missing her. We wish that the new tube would fix ALL of the discomfort, but at least it does seem to be a definite help. Since he seems to be more comfortable, Mama put Timmy into some normal clothes and took some pictures with Oma. She was singing him some songs and he really seemed to enjoy them. He seemed to even consider a smile. :-)


Anonymous said...

That's a good caption. Looks like he's right on the verge of his beautiful smile. -Donna S.

Anonymous said...

great picture!!! he looks more comfy in this picture! sending our love from New York!! -Aunt Beth

Anonymous said...

What a cutie! We'll keep praying for discernment for you and the doctors, and that his energy levels increase. Love the "smile."