Saturday was quite a day in the Elfstrand house. Timmy got a Saturday morning nap (meaning that Mama and Daddy got one too, finally!). Then a friend of a friend who we had never met before called us and said that they wanted to bring us some food. So she and her husband blessed us with food and prayer and groceries! What a huge blessing, and from people we didn’t even know!
The feedings were really a struggle. The diapers were only somewhat wet, and I was really worried about hydration. In a last ditch attempt to avoid the NG tube (the one that goes up the nose into the tummy and just looks uncomfortable), I had a brainstorm that maybe I needed a nipple shield. It saved breastfeeding for us the first time around, so I figured maybe it could do it again! And just at that moment, another friend called to ask if we needed anything. So she bought some at Babies R Us and brought us some dinner as well. Another fabulous blessing!
We finally started to go through the piles of paperwork that had been collecting, and we found that the California DMV didn’t appreciate our Idaho car insurance and had suspended our registration just yesterday. But that friend who stopped at Babies R Us for us happened to have an extra car available that she could loan to us! Another blessing!
In the end I found that even the nipple shield that holds such fond memories of getting breastfeeding really going for us the first time around could not save us this second time around. So we did have an NG feeding tube put in. It was hard to watch our little punkin’ be uncomfortable as the tube made its way to where it needed to go, but now that it’s in he doesn’t seem to mind it. And once the hard part was over, I had the most profound sense of relief, knowing that Timmy will once again be well hydrated and well nourished. Even though we haven’t had it in for even 24 hours, I am noticing improvements in his coordination and muscle tone as his body is slowly starting to get more of the nutrition and hydration that it needs. Yay God!
I also posted some recent pictures of Timmy on the photo gallery.
Timmy looks relieved too, saying, Yea God!!
That is such a cute little face, even when we feel uncomfortable for him. You are certainly blessed with friends and friends of friends. God is answering prayer every step of the way.
Hi Lara and Marshall - I'm back in town and glad to see that Timmy got the feeding tube. I'm sure that will relieve a ton of stress for you guys. Any progress on getting the specialist appointments? Let me know if you need anything. I'm happy to babysit. - Lisa
Timmy has such a great smile (he's a little cutie). God bless you all.
Hey Lar it's me again. I'm a total beginer at the blog thing. I read what I said in the other note and I said you made me cry, sounded kinda dumb!! I meant that the song was so great it made me get all choked up and have tears when I think of how good God is to us and that His Kingdom is coming even though we sure have trials now. I just wanted to clear that up as my adorable neice Lara makes me smile and be thankful and not cry.
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