Please continue to pray for wisdom about whether Timmy needs the nissen and feeding tube surgery or whether it would be too much for him and would cause undue suffering. Hopefully this new tube placement will make it very clear. Because it is past the tummy we are hoping it will be a way to control the reflux without the surgery. But he has been having so much pain that it is hard to know whether it is harder on him to do the surgery or not to. And if we do need the surgery then we need to convince the surgeons that they should do it and they need to find time in their busy schedules as it sounds like they are always overbooked.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
N-J tube placement
Answers to a few questions
As for Timmy's hands, he will hold things like a small rattle or a hand-sized tube or a rolled up washcloth if you put them in his hands. Usually he doesn't voluntarily pick up things or grab things or bring his hands to his mouth. He will sometimes pull glasses off of someone's face if given a little encouragement. He will gladly hold a finger or sometimes pull hair or a shirt. Some days his hands are pretty clenched and we have some splints to put on him to help him to relax the muscles and teach him not to keep them so tight.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tomorrow we also have our interview for the Medi-Cal waiver. Please pray that it will go well and we will be accepted.
Another cool thing that happened today was that Timmy got to meet his great great uncle Ron. Mom and Uncle Ron and I enjoyed some time with Timmy and then a nice lunch in the hospital cafeteria. (This paranoid mother doesn't like to go too far from her little one so we stayed close by.) I am wishing now that I had gotten a picture. Sad.
It has also been great this week to have Mom (Oma) here. It has been great to have a helping hand and a chance to get some extra nights in my own bed while she stayed with Timster.
Plans are still underway for a baby dedication and birthday party the weekend before Timmy's birthday but the details are still being worked out, particularly if we are still in the hospital. Hard to predict at this point.
New hat for the EEG
Please pray that we would be able to help Timmy's reflux. He has been very uncomfortable the last few days.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
"You are not a God who takes pleasure in evil."
- Psalm 5:4a
"Be merciful to me, Lord, for I am faint; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are in agony. My soul is in anguish. How long, O Lord, how long? Turn, O Lord, and deliver me. Save me because of your unfailing love."
- Psalm 6:2-4
"But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body."
- Philippians 3:20-21
It's hard to feel out of control. I watch as my little boy gets weaker and even the best doctors cannot really help him. They can treat the symptoms but there is no human cure for this horrible disease. I watched as he lost the strength to suck sufficiently to nurse. So we tried bottles but there were food allergies and even then he was eating all day long in order to barely get enough. Even now with the food going directly into his stomach, the inside muscles seem to be having a hard time processing the food and keeping it down. His outside muscles have lost the ability to stand or sit or hold up his head. It appears that my smiley, giggly child has lost the ability to smile or giggle or even cry.
I cry to God to please save my son from the horrible things that are happening to him. I treasure each time that I get to hold his hand or stroke his little cheek. Each time that my loving touch can bring him a bit of comfort. Each time that I get to hold up his head or change his diaper. Each time that his beautiful blue eyes recognize his mama. Do I dare to still hope for a miracle? To hope that I might see the day when my precious little one might walk and talk and smile? Nothing is impossible with God. I know that God is good and that he can save my son, but I am afraid that for some reason that's not his will. I'm afraid to believe and be disappointed. Mostly I am afraid of watching him suffer.
I believe. Help me, Lord, in my unbelief. Thank you for each precious moment. And thank you especially for the hope of heaven.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
- Thanks for the encouragement in my faith provided by other parents and nurses and doctors here.
- Thanks for quiet and energy-building sleep.
- That God would use this situation to strengthen us and bless others.
- For continued wisdom and rest and peace.
- Thanks for a visit with my mom, who arrives tomorrow; for safe travel and that we would be able to be a great encouragement to one another.
Friday, July 25, 2008
A relatively quiet day in the PICU
Please keep praying for wisdom and rest.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Please pray for a good rest and wisdom for all.
Another seizure
He puked :-(
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Upcoming birthday celebrations
Timmy's first birthday is the following day, August 11. Do not feel that you need to buy him something, but if you were going to do it anyway, here are a few recommendations:
- Size 12 month clothes and pajamas. He is currently over 18.5 lbs. I recommend shirts and pajamas that button up rather than going over the head. Sometimes his little body is too stiff to put shirts over his head.
- Size 3 diapers.
- Nutramigen formula powder (not liquid, because we alter the powder to water ratio to increase the calories). Nutramigen is made by Enfamil and available in most stores that sell formula.
- Things to look at and listen to, like books, music, pictures, mobiles, and things with lights and sounds.
- If you choose toys, go for things with lights and music that do not require fine motor skills or standing. He is not likely to pick things up, but if he did, it would be with his whole hand -- nothing that would use a pinching motion or small parts. Also, the parents REALLY appreciate OFF BUTTONS. :-)
- Shiny, colored balloons are cheap yet very fun for him to watch. He has an Elmo balloon now that he really likes.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tuesday night
No word yet on the X-ray.
Our roommate did leave and so far we have the room to ourselves. We will see how long that lasts.
The IV is barely working, if at all. We have stopped the fluids because he should be getting enough hydration through the feeding tube. We are really praying that Timmy will tolerate his feedings (not puke) so that we may be able to just leave it out and go home. We are giving him just 5 ml per hour less than the goal amount so we are almost there. However, we have been this close several times before and then he puked and we had to start all over again. We tried putting the tube farther into him past the stomach but it didn't make it to the right place.
Today's recommended scripture reading is Psalm 20. I encourage you to check it out and pray it on our behalf.
New mobile
Today Timmy's breathing sounded a bit congested so they did an X-ray to be sure that he didn't breathe in any of the vomit and get pneumonia. We are waiting for the results.
Meanwhile the doctor wants to get Timmy off of the IV before sending us home and Mama is getting impatient and not sure she wants to wait that long.
We had a close call where we almost lost the IV in his head but we have an awesome nurse today and she was able to save it.
Please pray for understanding night nurses who will let Timmy sleep at night. Last night's was awesome but it is a constant challenge, especially because it is fairly rare that we get the same nurse more than 1-2 nights.
Thank God for our new roommate's mom who has been a great encouragement to me. Please pray for another good and quiet roommate when they go home, which will probably be today.
A good night
Even though Aunt Beth is gone now I wanted to share this cute picture from her time here.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Ups and downs
On the other hand, it seems that every time we reach our goal of 45 ml per hour of formula, Timmy begins to vomit and then we turn the pump down and try again. So it will take a while to come up with a feeding plan that works for us.
Please pray that we will be able to develop a plan that will allow us to go home. Mama and Timmy are both struggling with some inevitable aspects of hospital life, but if we go home now we will need a good deal of support, as well as a way to keep Timster hydrated as we troubleshoot the formula issues. We will then need to do the reflux surgery and put in the G-tube or J-tube as an outpatient procedure. Right now we are not having success at getting on the inpatient surgery list so I would like to get us home as soon as we can reasonably do it.
Please also pray that the IV and the NG-tube (which has been specially placed to go just past his stomach to reduce the feeding issues) would stay put.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Resting with Aunt Beth
This is a picture of him resting with Aunt Beth. She just left for home and we are missing her already. Now our friend Danielle is here to help this coming week.
Hello again from Aunt Beth
Hello again from Aunt Beth. In all the business of what has been going on, I wanted to share (and remember) some of the weird & funny situations encountered on my trip to visit and encourage Lara & Marshall.
The first story is literally the first story of my time out here. I arrived here at 11:00 pm. After we landed in CA, a woman who had been in the same row as me asked if she could use my phone to quickly call her husband, because her phone had just died. After she called on my phone, we struck up a conversation. She asked me what brought me to CA and, since she was also from Redlands, who I was visiting. Once I said my sister, Lara Elfstrand, she immediately said, "Oh, Lara & Marshall!" Long story short: they go to the same church, and she knew Timmy has been having issues. After we got off the plane, her husband ended up calling my phone, thinking he was calling his wife. I made Lara answer. When he discovered he was talking to Lara, he was so confused. "Lara?!?! How did I call you when I called my wife back?" It's just a small world...
Bath time: Timmy has been getting sponge baths at the hosipital. Yesterday Lara & I bathed him, one on each side. To be poked and pulled every which way by the doctors, and then by Mom & takes a lot out of a little one. Tim's hands are usually clenched in a fist. Towards the end of the bath, Timmy told us he was done by fisting his hand, but with the middle finger nice & straight. Now we know he really doesn't know about the middle finger, but it was a good laugh.
My welcome from Timmy: Thursday morning I started to hold Timmy so Lara could run an errand. I didn't know at the time that he hadn't pooped in a bit... Well, he pooped, and everyone was very excited, until we found he had pooped all over the place!!! It was on my leg, my clothes, the floor, the crib, and up & down him!!! Well once we all got cleaned up, I was holding him again when his tummy got upset, and he then proceeded to puke all over me. I told Timmy, "I guess I came all the way from New York so you can poop & puke on me. I'm glad I could help you get it out." I ended up having to go back to Lara & Marshall's house so I could clean myself & my clothes.
Lara & Marshall have a large group of people here bringing food & encouraging them in this tough time. Thanks to all for the support. It helps us who aren't in the same state to know that they are still getting much needed hugs & support.
Blog status
Friday, July 18, 2008
Message from Aunt Beth
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Quick Tuesday update
Monday, July 14, 2008
Monday morning

Timmy is doing much better in the step-down room. There's far less activity and noise than the room he was in last week, and he's having an easier time sleeping. Last night the hospital re-arranged the kids in the unit so that Timmy's previous roommate -- who was still rather noisy -- was moved to another room with a noisy kid, and Timmy has a new roommate who is expected to be more quiet. So that's all good.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Back to the hospital
Sorry about the downtime
Friday, July 11, 2008
Friday morning update
- That if the Nissen Fundoplication surgery is not a good idea for Timmy, God would change our minds about it.
- That if the Nissen surgery is just what Timmy needs, that the schedule would open up for it to happen ASAP.
- That the NG tube would stay put! Replacing it makes Timmy hyperventilate and scream and get all stiff and fussy, which really wears him out. Once it’s in and he’s had a rest, it’s OK. But the process of putting it in his nose makes him extremely anxious. The nurses commented that his reaction was one of the worst they’ve seen. This makes me not want to be the one who has to put it back in if he takes it out. And so far, while he is not very coordinated with other things, he is quite coordinated at removing the tube from his nose.
- That we would not leave the hospital unless we are sure that Timmy is tolerating the formula feedings well.
- Continued thanks for our families and friends who are doing such a great job of supporting us.
- That all of the paperwork for secondary insurance applications would go through quickly to cover things like the feeding equipment and home health nurses, as well as the hospital stays and the surgery coming up.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Waiting for results
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Shower Break
Monday, July 07, 2008
In the hospital
That’s it for today...I’ll post more as things progress.